Use of Intel MPI

When you compile a program on the system, you can choose to use the Intel Compiler and the associated Intel MPI implementation. These tools can be loaded via the module system:

[user@frontend ~]$ module load intel/2022a

When your program is compiled with Intel MPI you need to use the associated mpirun command to launch the program in your Slurm job script, instead of srun. This is due to lack of proper PMIx support in Intel MPI, which is normally used by Slurm for launching MPI jobs. The following is an example of a job script that uses Intel MPI to launch a program.

#SBATCH --nodes 2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 128
#SBATCH --time 2:00:00

module load intel/2022a
mpirun /path/to/your_program [program options]